Baptisms and Confirmation
Holy Baptism (also called Christening) is a sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and welcomes a person into the fellowship of Christ’s Body - the Church.
Many bring children to St George’s for baptism – and the Rector is always happy to discuss what Christian baptism represents and whatever practical questions may arise. The sacrament is normally celebrated after the 11am Sung Eucharist on a Sunday to which the family, godparents, and friends of the candidate are invited.
Adults too, who may not have been baptised as children, may find themselves wishing to make a commitment to Christ and to the life of the Church. In such cases, baptism and confirmation are administered at the same time. Again, the Rector will be happy to discuss ways in which you can deepen your commitment and involvement, and practical issues around the sacraments of baptism and confirmation.
Funerals, Memorials, or Thanksgiving Services
I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.
Please contact us whenever you need to. Clergy are experienced in helping families to deal with the trauma of death and loss, and at St George’s, with our considerable musical and liturgical resources, we can help you to arrange an appropriate service – whether that is a funeral or a memorial or thanksgiving.
But please also remember that we can help before the point of death too – and rather than being summoned after the event, are happy to be called during times of serious illness when spiritual questions and anxieties can become particularly prominent in patients and their families. A ‘good death’ is what we all want for ourselves and our loved ones, and often the thoughtful, prayerful company of a priest can help to guide people through challenging and uncharted waters as their own life, or the life of their loved-one, draws to a close.
If you would like to discuss Funeral Service or a Memorial Service please contact the Rector.
Civil Partnerships
The Church of England does not currently provide a service of blessing after a Civil Partnership Ceremony. Neither does it refer in the service after a Civil Marriage to blessing, but rather to ‘An order for prayer and dedication’.
However, the Bishops have encouraged clergy, and indeed all Christians, to respond pastorally and generously to couples seeking to grow in the image and likeness of God.
If you would like to offer prayers after your Civil Partnership Ceremony, to mark the love, commitment, and covenant you have made, please contact the Rector, who will be happy to help you plan an appropriate celebration within existing regulations.